why does business need lawyers so much

By | July 16, 2023

Why are lawyers so in demand in the labor market? First, it is due to staff turnover. And besides, with the expansion of production, new forms of business.

It is also affected by the fact that only a few law graduates remain in this profession.

We can note that the most sought-after lawyers are of average qualification. Top-level specialists are slightly behind them.

However, new specializations in the legal industry are already emerging.

No business can do without a person who has a deep knowledge of the law. And this type of activity is very difficult to leave at the mercy of information technology.

For many entrepreneurs, company executives, a lawyer is not only an erudite specialist, a kind of walking “Consultant Plus”, but also a reliable ally and assistant.

In large and especially large organizations, there is usually not one lawyer, but a team of lawyers. And to solve global, important issues, external specialists are often involved: lawyers, law firms.

However, the need for legal assistance sooner or later arises in any type of business:

  • some of the counterparties do not comply with the agreements,
  • there are complaints from consumers,
  • Regulatory authorities have questions.

And as with many issues, it is much more difficult to fix a situation when a problem has already arisen than to foresee it in advance. To rebuild the processes correctly and competently from the point of view of the law.

This allows you to manage the situation, secure the business from a legal point of view and plan its future in the long term.

Any legal problem is always more profitable, more profitable to prevent and prevent than to solve in a crisis state.

We will find a lawyer for your companyWe save your time. We find rare specialists. We will show the first candidates in the optimal time.

When do you need a lawyer?

  • Contracts.
  • Availability of trade secrets.
  • Issuance of invoices.
  • Traffic.
  • Licensing.
  • And much more.
  • Since each of these actions is governed by legal regulations.

A lawyer will allow you to avoid problems with company employees, partners or inspectors.

According to the magazine “Money”, 98% of companies for 3 years of work in one way or another faced problems that had to be solved with the help of lawyers.

And fines for some violations can cover even a year of work of an entire department of lawyers. And all that was required was to hire a lawyer and avoid these problems.

An in-house lawyer assists in choosing the most effective plan of action, warns about possible alternatives and legal consequences of each decision.

A professional lawyer has knowledge not only in jurisprudence, but also in related industries – marketing, management, accounting, psychology, sociology.

He provides qualified assistance to financiers and accounting. Allows you to minimize taxation. Many accounting issues stem from other branches of law.

And an accountant or auditor may not know all the subtleties and nuances.

What other functions does an in-house lawyer perform?

  1. Effectively defends the interests of the employer in government agencies.
  2. Conducts court cases.
  3. Participates in the creation of the enterprise, the development of business plans, the resolution of licensing and certification issues, in matters of asset valuation and audit, in the liquidation of the company.

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