Transport lawyer: the essence of his work

By | October 31, 2023

Statistically, the most common cases in civil courts are divorce hearings and car accident proceedings. The automotive industry, and indeed any transport transportation in general, always provokes many disputes, which can only be sorted out by a qualified lawyer specializing in transport law.

What do transport lawyers do?

Transport law inherently represents a separate, very large branch of law. All social relations in the field of movement of goods, transportation of passengers, etc. are subject to it.

Transport law is closely related to the commercial industry and everything connected with it: registration of customs declarations, rules for transporting goods for various purposes, transportation licenses, property disputes in the field of transportation – all carrier businessmen have to deal with all this.

Of course, someone must provide the legal side of all business issues, that is, transport lawyers. Although for the most part this is a conventional title for the position of a legal adviser or lawyer who specializes in a specific narrow topic.

Their main employers are cargo carriers, cargo owners, warehouse operators, forwarding companies – in a word, legal entities. However, there are cases when citizens also involve a specialist in transport law – when assistance is required in case of an accident.

In their practice, transport lawyers encounter:

  • with cases of compensation for damage in road accidents, resolving disputes with insurance companies, between tenants and landlords, etc.;
  • with the collection of arrears in rental payments for transport;
  • in cases of shortage or damage to cargo during transportation, they submit claims to the carrier.

When hiring a lawyer in any transport company, he most often performs several duties:

  1. conducts business correspondence with debtors and counterparties.
  2. conducts legal examination of previous contracts, draws up new contracts.
  3. draws up claims and lawsuits in court if a private agreement cannot be reached.
  4. represents the interests of the client in arbitration or civil court, prepares materials for the process.
  5. resolves conflicts with transport supervisory authorities.

As a rule, a transport lawyer works on the staff of a logistics company or cargo transportation company as an in-house legal adviser. However, business owners often outsource such specialists and prefer to use the services of private law firms.

In this case, a transport law specialist can conduct a private practice or get a job in a law firm. In all cases, it is desirable that he have legal status. This is necessary for further career growth.

Where to study to become a transport lawyer

The best option to become a transport lawyer is to obtain a higher education in the field of jurisprudence. Many universities teach a special course on transport law, but, alas, there are no separate institutions that would train transport lawyers.

It is better for a future transport lawyer to start his career with industrial practice already in the third year of university. After this, you can find a job as either an assistant lawyer or a legal assistant. Over time, in order to advance in your career, you will also need to obtain the status of a lawyer and join the bar. To do this, you will need to work for at least three years in the legal profession and pass a qualifying exam.

Jobs on the labor market, salary of a transport lawyer

Transportation lawyers are in demand along with legal consultants and corporate lawyers. True, the choice of places to work is more limited: mainly logistics companies and transport departments of large corporations. However, there are a lot of vacancies for transport lawyers.

The salary level, however, is not always encouraging. Judging by the offers on job search sites, on average, a transport lawyer can count on 30–35 thousand rubles. However, depending on experience and length of service, he may be offered more, about 70 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of being a transport lawyer


  • high demand for services, demand;
  • interesting cases, career growth;
  • Professional Development.


  • low average salary;
  • Bar status is required for a successful career;
  • high responsibility;
  • irregular working hours.

Why Transport Lawyers are important.

imagine you’re planning a road trip. Everything seems smooth until you accidentally turn your GPS into a techno remix, and suddenly you find yourself facing a herd of confused cows on a country road. Now, replace the cows with complicated transportation laws, and you’ve got a job for transport lawyers!

These legal wizards are like the superheroes of the highway. They navigate the crazy world of rules and regulations that govern transportation. From helping trucking companies dodge legal potholes to ensuring that your futuristic hoverboard doesn’t violate any anti-gravity laws, they’ve got it covered.

Without transport lawyers, it would be chaos. Imagine traffic signals being optional, and everyone interpreting road signs based on their mood that day. It’s like having a world without referees in a soccer game—total mayhem!

So, next time you see a transport lawyer, give them a nod of appreciation. They’re the unsung heroes making sure our highways stay more organized than a Marie Kondo-approved closet.

Category: Law

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