amazon affiliate program

By | November 1, 2023

When choosing the option of such earnings, most people carefully consider various niches, study competing affiliate programs in order to join the most profitable one.

  1. What is Amazon Associates?
  2. Terms of cooperation with Amazon
  3. Are all themes good for making money?
  4. What do I need to join the project?
  5. Step-by-step registration for the Amazon Affiliate Program
  6. Creation of websites for Amazon. Features
  7. Website promotion for Amazon
  8. Why are Amazon projects for sale?
  9. Sale of ready-made websites for Amazon
  10. Have you bought a website and are making a profit endlessly? No!

What is Amazon Associates?

But did you know that in addition to small and medium-sized projects that are ready to share their profits with those who know how to bring customers, the largest international online store of goods and services Amazon, also has an affiliate program? Just imagine: this giant sells goods for an amount that makes up the budget of a small state, and this is several tens of billions of dollars a year! And this amount is not the limit, because every year the platform increases the number of buyers, and not least due to its affiliate program, called Amazon Associates.

What is the Amazon Affiliate Program, how to join it, and what are the terms of cooperation, we will tell you further.

Terms of cooperation with Amazon

There are two ways to make money on the Amazon affiliate program. Firstly, by adding links to products or services that can be found on the website of the global giant, to the pages of your existing website/blog/page on a social network. Secondly, there is the ability to create, fill with content, and consciously promote a site specifically created for the purpose of making a profit on Amazon

With the first option, everything is more or less clear, and after registering in the Amazon Associates program, you can start advertising the selected products. Obviously, in this case, you will be able to save time and money, because you do not need to invest in the creation of a fundamentally new project, but there are also disadvantages with this option. For example, you will have to select products that are most suitable for the topic of an existing site or blog, besides, only a project with a large number of live visitors will bring significant profit.

The second option, namely the creation of a website specifically for the Amazon affiliate program, is easier, because you will initially know how to properly design, implement, and then promote the project.

Are all themes good for making money?

In order to choose the topic of the site for Amazon, you should carefully study the information about the reward that can be received by redirecting the buyer from your project to the online store. At the same time, pay attention to 2 important points:

1) Different reward percentages are offered for different products

2) When choosing a topic, you should carefully study the demand for various groups of goods and assess the competition in each specific area. For example, the remuneration for luxury cosmetics is 10%, but even despite the relatively low competition in this niche, such a product has a limited number of buyers. At the same time, for the category “Shoes” or “Accessories” they give 4% of the reward, but in this area it is easier to find a popular group of goods, create a website for it and promote a project, from which you will then regularly receive a decent profit.

It should be noted that the retailer offers a reward not only for physical goods, but also for selling access to various subscriptions, video games, music, audiobooks, etc. In addition, a commission is offered for participation in the “Trade-In” program, that is, for the delivery of a certain product (new or used) to the store in exchange for another. However, only residents of the United States can participate in this program

Importantly! Despite the fact that Amazon is an international project, it is not very popular in the CIS countries, so the website does not have Russian-language localization. To connect to an affiliate program, you will have to deal with all the nuances on your own (of course, this will take a lot of time and nerves, which can eventually result in a tidy sum of money), or entrust the creation of a site to professionals.

The same applies to a site created for an affiliate program from Amazon: the maximum profit can be obtained by working for an English-speaking audience, that is, all content must be in English.

What do I need to join the project?

In order to become a full-fledged partner of an American retailer and make a profit from sales, it is necessary to solve 2 global tasks:

  • You register on the site by going through a few steps, which we will tell you about below, and add your site to this program.
  • Create, content, and promote a website that redirects traffic to pre-selected Amazon pages.

Step-by-step registration for the Amazon Affiliate Program

So, registration on the site takes place in several steps, namely:

Step 1. Filling in the data about the account owner (name, surname, e-mail, password).

Step 2. Adding payment information (name to which earnings will be transferred, bank address, zip code).

Step 3. Filling in information about the site where affiliate links to Amazon will be placed in the form of so-called special links, banners, widgets or other advertising blocks. Here you can add up to 50 sites at the same time — Amazon has provided the possibility that partners can redirect traffic from various sources (these can be, for example, not only sites specially created and promoted for Amazon, but also personal blogs with a large number of visitors, accounts in social networks).

Importantly! Sites must not be intended for visitors under the age of 13. That is, you won’t be able to add a site with reviews of children’s games designed for players under 13 years old.

Step 4. In the profile, you will have to specify in detail the level of traffic to your sites, how you plan to attract traffic, how and where links to goods or services from Amazon will be added, and the reasons for your joining the affiliate program. You’ll even have to remember how you knew about the existence of Amazon Associates.

Step 5, aka the last one. Here you need to specify a valid phone number and verify it. To do this, after entering the number in the international format, press the “Call Me Now” button and wait for the machine to ring. Next, we listen to the automatically generated PIN code, enter it in the appropriate window and wait for confirmation. If everything is done correctly, in a few seconds it will be possible to use the entire functionality of the site.

Importantly! All data should be filled in extremely carefully, especially when it comes to passport data and bank details. If an error occurs, it can be quite difficult to correct it, because the technical support service may require scanned copies of documents, and verification instead of a few minutes risks stretching for days or even weeks.

Creation of websites for Amazon. Features

Market and competitor analysis

Choosing the product group for which the site will be created is a kind of art, and the strategy itself consists of several components: an intuitive search for suitable products, a careful study of competitors and a thoughtful analysis of search results.

Selection of the semantic core (SN): HF, MID, LF

In order to correctly form the structure of the future site and plan the content for the pages in advance, it is necessary to correctly select the semantic core (SN), that is, a list of relevant keywords and expressions (HF – high-frequency, MF – mid-frequency, LF – low-frequency), according to which the project will be promoted in search results.

The task of selecting SN is divided into several subtasks:

1. Analysis of competitors’ search results.

2. Selection of the maximum possible number of keywords that will describe the selected topic of the site.

3. Distribution of keywords on narrow topics and creation of sections, subsections and separate pages for each of the groups.

4. Page optimization (HTML markup, SEO-optimized content, internal linking) taking into account the selected keywords.

To analyze relevant keywords, we recommend using our keyword collection service:

Creating Optimized Content

The most important thing that can attract potential buyers to the site is high-quality content that satisfies both the requirements of visitors and search engines. The main criteria taken into account by the Google search engine when ranking a site are the structure and length of the article, the timeliness of publication, as well as the uniqueness of the content and its value.

Let’s take a closer look at these requirements.

1. Uniqueness of materials. Crude rewriting, and even more so posting stolen content, will not bring anything good. In addition to the fact that readers do not perceive information that they have already encountered on other resources, the algorithms of modern search engines are also able to recognize plagiarism.

2. Maximum disclosure of the topic. Having chosen the topic of the article (in our case, it will be a description of the product or, for example, the rating of some products that solve similar problems), you need to reveal it from all sides. Readers appreciate when the information is presented as fully as possible, and when creating a review, both the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product are described.

3. Content should answer all readers’ questions. A copywriter, creating content for such a site, must anticipate in advance the questions that the reader may have, and give competent reasoned answers to them.

4. Use expert opinion. When writing articles, reviews, selling materials, it is advisable to use the opinions of recognized industry experts. A link to a specialist’s review, properly formatted, will not be considered plagiarism, and at the same time will increase readers’ loyalty to the information.

5. Visuals to be! When designing an article, especially if it is long, it is important to use subheadings, lists, screenshots, and if some information is more convenient to present in the form of a graph or table, it is worth using this option. If you don’t have enough experience in writing and properly formatting such articles, you can safely study the websites of large competitors or even visit the pages of manufacturers of goods about which content will be published, and see how their information is formatted. Moreover, you can achieve an acceptable quality of design even by periodically printing your articles and studying them for ease of reading and ease of presenting information.

6. Maximum and minimum length of the article. Amazon doesn’t set any limits on the amount of content at all. But do not forget that the site under Amazon will be promoted by standard SEO methods, which means that the length of one article should not be less than 2500-3000 words, more often 5000-7000 words.

7. Timeliness of the material. When making a decision to publish a particular material, you should make sure that it is up-to-date. Of course, some people may still be interested in the specs for the iPhone 5, but the article about the more modern model will be much more useful. The same applies to already published content, it should be checked from time to time for relevance and, if necessary, updated and supplemented.

8. Proper linking is important. A well-planned and implemented internal linking helps to significantly improve the quality of articles and the trust of both visitors and search engines to the site. One page of the site can (and should!) be linked to others. For example, in an informational article about iPhone 12 mobile phones, you can safely place a link to your own article on the iPhone 11 model, posted on the site earlier. Website owners worry that the presence of a large number of external links reduces the quality of the site in the eyes of search engines. In fact, if your links are of high quality, used appropriately, then there is nothing wrong with them, their use is acceptable and does not violate any rules and requirements.

Website promotion for Amazon

The promotion of projects created to attract customers on Amazon has nuances, taking into account which will help to increase positions in organic search results and thereby increase the number of visitors who go to the site.

So, website promotion for Amazon is based on:

  1. Link Building!!
  2. Adding the most detailed content related to each specific product. A high-quality article about this product can include a rating of the most popular with a detailed description of the characteristics (comparison of products), their photos, reviews, ratings.
  3. Using video reviews with a detailed demonstration of the product, preferably using it in practice.
  4. Work with customer reviews, ranking products in accordance with these reviews.
  5. Compilation of reasoned ratings of the same type of goods.

Why are Amazon projects for sale?

Obviously, you can create a web project focused on attracting customers to the Amazon marketplace on your own. However, this will require mastering a whole array of knowledge, many nuances of which are not obvious at first and even second glance. Thus, you will have to understand things like:

  • choosing a domain name hoster and registrar;
  • determining the most profitable niche for participation in the affiliate program;
  • modern CMS, under which most sites work in order to choose the most suitable one;
  • analysis of the market and competitors’ websites;
  • compilation of the semantic core of the future project;
  • setting up the site, organizing its competent linking;
  • regular writing of SEO-optimized content;
  • Promotion of a web project on the web.

Above, we have only briefly described the tasks that you will have to face when launching a site on your own. If you have the time, the desire, and the relevant knowledge (or willingness to learn it), we can only welcome it.

Sale of ready-made websites for Amazon

At the same time, people who are serious about doing business online and cooperating with Amazon understand that the sooner the project is launched, the sooner they can make a profit from it.

Websites for sale under Amazon:

To reduce time, which is the most valuable resource, it is best to entrust the creation of a website to professionals. The advantages of this approach are obvious, because experienced specialists understand what’s what, and will be able to implement all your ideas as quickly as possible, and saving even 1 month will help you reach a new level much faster.

Another advantage of cooperation with programmers, web designers, and SEO specialists is the ability to scale your business and create several projects at the same time. Of course, the main disadvantage in this case will be quite large financial costs.

Have you bought a website and are making a profit endlessly? No!

Does this mean that by buying a ready-made project designed to redirect traffic to Amazon and make money on the affiliate program of this global giant, you will no longer have to invest in the development of the project, and you will only be able to skim the cream, turning your brainchild into a 100% means of generating passive income? Definitely NO, and then we will tell you what to do to ensure that earnings on Amazon not only do not decrease, but also constantly grow.

So, despite the fact that a project aimed at attracting traffic and redirecting it to Amazon is an interesting and original way to make money online, it is worth remembering that the income directly depends on two factors. Firstly, we are talking about the number of visitors, and secondly, from conversion, that is, the more site visitors follow the referral link directly to Amazon and place an order, the more profit the site owner will receive as a result.

The first task is solved in several ways:

  • Regular filling of the site with high-quality content, the organization of proper linking, the purchase of links from donor sites, that is, methodical SEO promotion and obtaining the so-called organic traffic.
  • Direct traffic attraction, which is organized through the purchase of advertising (for example, using Google AdSense), the placement of paid reviews, advertising or informational articles on sites with a large number of visitors. This method is considered faster, but at the same time, the amount of attracted traffic directly depends on the timing of the advertising campaign: while the ads are shown to potential visitors, the latter go to the site. As soon as the ads stop serving, the traffic drops significantly.

The second task is solved by regularly adding the most relevant content.

Do you want to be in trend by starting to get decent money for working on the Internet? Partnering with the global giant Amazon is a great option to start your online business. You need to decide whether to invest time and effort in creating a project yourself or entrust its launch to professionals. We hope that our material has helped to clarify the key points of participation in the Amazon affiliate program, and you will be able to start your path to the heights of online earnings.

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