What is temporary CTP insurance? Features of registration, cost and specifics of obtaining

By | June 18, 2023

So, you’ve just acquired a shiny new set of wheels, ready to conquer the roads with the spirit of an adventurer. But hold on, before you embark on your epic journey, there’s a crucial pitstop—you need insurance. Now, we’re not talking about the kind of insurance that covers your car in case of a zombie apocalypse (though, that would be cool). We’re diving into the realm of temporary car insurance, also known as transit insurance. Fasten your seatbelt, mate, because we’re about to decode the mysteries of this short-term insurance whirlwind.

Figure 1: The Quick Fix – What is Temporary CTP Insurance?

Temporary CTP insurance is like the instant coffee of the insurance world—quick, convenient, and perfect for those in-between moments. It’s a policy that lasts for a short period, usually up to 20 days. They even have a fancy nickname for it—transit insurance. This little fella is designed for unregistered cars, giving you a hall pass to navigate through inspections and registrations without getting on the wrong side of the law. As the legal scrolls of 40-FZ of 25.04.2002, Article 10, Part 3 dictate, it’s your golden ticket to hassle-free temporary coverage.

Now, why might you need this express ticket?

  1. When your car has done the registration cha-cha in one traffic police spot and now needs to be registered in another.
  2. At the glorious moment of buying a new vehicle and the inevitable drive to the registration lair.
  3. When your beloved automobile is on its way to the inspection chamber.

And here’s a little extra nugget of wisdom: special equipment owners can snag a transit insurance policy for a swift 5 days.

Figure 2: The Quest for Transit Insurance – A How-To Adventure

Now that we’ve established the why, let’s break down the how. It’s simpler than deciphering a cryptic map, I promise.

  1. Pick Your Insurance Companion: Choose an insurance company. Think of it as picking a travel buddy, but for your car.
  2. Declare Your Intentions: Swing by the insurance office or give them a shout. Alternatively, you can even do the digital dance through an online application. Modern times, right?
  3. Documents, Please: Like a checkpoint in an epic quest, you need to present a bundle of documents. What’s in the package, you ask? Your passport, driver’s license, vehicle registration certificate for legal entities, technical means passport or STS, a certificate from the traffic police confirming your accident-free driving record, and a diagnostic card if your car has seen a few roads. If you’ve got the previous CTP policy, throw that into the mix.
  4. Attention to Detail: Once you’ve done your paperwork jig, check the CTP contract like a detective hunting for clues. Make sure there are no errors, missteps, or plot twists.
  5. Show Me the Money: Transfer the transit insurance cost to your insurer. Money talks, even in the world of insurance.

Figure 3: Who Can Join the Transit Insurance Party?

The invitation to this insurance fiesta is quite inclusive. Any capable citizen can step up to the plate—whether you’re the proud owner of the vehicle or a person rocking a power of attorney from the owner. Now, for the insurance companies, a power of attorney isn’t mandatory. They won’t demand this document from you, making it all quite straightforward.

Figure 4: The Price Tag – What You’re Paying for Short-Term Security

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks—the moolah. The cost of temporary insurance follows the same recipe as regular insurance. The magic ingredients include:

  • Engine power (no, not the magic kind).
  • Your driving experience (hopefully more Gandalf, less rookie wizard).
  • The region where your trusty steed roams (can you get CTP in another region?).
  • Your car’s category (is it a sedan, an SUV, or a magic carpet on wheels?).
  • The tariff set by the insurance company.

And now, for the grand reveal—the cost for 10, 15, and 20 days. Brace yourself, for the price of this fleeting security might raise an eyebrow or two.

For 20 Days: It’s 0.2 of the annual cost. On average, in Russia, it’s around 1700 rubles (courtesy of Ingosstrakh company, for cars with 70 to 100 horsepower).

For 15 Days: Apply the coefficient of 0.15 to the annual cost.

For 10 Days: It’s 0.1 of the annual cost.

And here’s the punchline—the daily cost is 2.5 times higher than the annual insurance. So, it’s like buying a fancy cup of coffee every day instead of the economical monthly subscription.

Figure 5: The Myth of One-Day Insurance

Hold your horses, speedy Gonzales! No insurer will dish out a policy for just one day. The law has spoken, setting the minimum period at 5 days. So, even if you manage to perform the insurance magic in a day, the temporary policy loses its mojo as soon as your car is officially registered. It’s a bit like Cinderella’s carriage turning into a pumpkin at midnight, but with paperwork.

In a nutshell, temporary insurance is the norm among motorists, especially when you’re in a hurry. Just beware, the cost per day might make your wallet shed a tear. But hey, when it comes to the law and your four-wheeled companion, a little extra investment for peace of mind might just be worth it.

So, there you have it, fellow road warriors. The ins and outs of temporary car insurance, served with a side of British humor. Now, go forth, conquer the roads, and may your temporary insurance shield you from unexpected bumps in the journey! Cheers!

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