Funeral Life Insurance

By | March 12, 2024

Everyone has the right to arrange his or her funeral during his or her lifetime. This can be done in different ways: oral or written will of the deceased, a lifetime funeral contract or funeral insurance. At the same time, the latter option makes it possible to gradually accumulate and multiply capital, which will be directed to the organization of the funeral.

What is the meaning of ritual insurance?

Even in ancient Rome, the prototype of the modern insurance service was practiced. In Soviet times, this duty was assigned to trade unions. With the advent of capitalism, all funeral expenses fell on the shoulders of relatives. At the same time, quite often, it is not possible to immediately find the right amount, so the funeral has to be held more modestly than we would like. The deceased’s lifetime capital can also be used to cover all expenses. But in this case, you will have to rely on the conscientiousness of relatives or persons responsible for the burial.

  • Funeral capital is preserved and built up over time;
  • In the event of death, there is no need to seek funds for burial;
  • You don’t have to worry about whether the accumulated funds were spent for their intended purpose;
  • Provide yourself with a funeral of the desired level.

After the death of the insured person, it is enough to notify the insurer and receive guaranteed payments or services.

Who can use the funeral insurance service?

Today, anyone between the ages of 18 and 90 can take out postmortem insurance. There are also no restrictions on the number of insured persons. Many companies provide a discount to customers who draw up a contract for the whole family. At the same time, a person gets complete freedom of action:

  • A lifetime or multi-year contract is available;
  • All groups of the population are insured, including the disabled and pensioners;
  • You can order the service for any person (not only for yourself);
  • It is possible to choose the class of the funeral: from economy to elite.

In addition, there is no need to pay the entire amount at once, as is done when concluding a lifetime contract with a funeral home.

How contributions are calculated

The monthly payment is calculated depending on the insurance period and the client’s wishes. The minimum amount should cover the most necessary expenses: paying for a hearse, purchasing a coffin, renting a place in the cemetery, digging a grave. If desired, it is possible to include the installation of a monument and a ritual wreath in the contract.

The upper limit is not limited to certain amounts and depends solely on the requirements:

  • Classic funeral or cremation;
  • The need to repatriate the body to its home country;
  • Class of funerary attributes;
  • Coffin model;
  • The presence of an orchestra and a hearse class;
  • Funeral services, etc.

Each case is considered separately, after which an individual payment schedule is drawn up.

How to get paid

First of all, it is necessary to notify the insurance agent immediately after the confirmation of death. The options for receiving funds are clearly spelled out in the contract. As a rule, the agency works according to the following schemes:

  • Covers funeral expenses upon the fact of the funeral;
  • When contacting a partner funeral service, the funds for the selected class of funeral are transferred directly to the current account of the funeral organizer;
  • Funds are paid directly at the office upon request.

In order to receive insurance payments, it is necessary to provide:

  • Death certificate;
  • Passport of the deceased;
  • Insurance policy;
  • Receipt confirming the payment of contributions;
  • Receipts that indicate expenses. They are provided in case of burial at personal expense.

After the conclusion of the transaction, the client receives an insert in the passport, which indicates the procedure for action in the event of an insured event and the contract number.

Special Conditions

The full amount of the insurance may not be reimbursed in full if:

  • The contract was not paid 100%;
  • A person dies (also due to an accident), but 2 years have not passed since the conclusion of the transaction.

In this case, only the contributions made by the deceased are fully reimbursed to the relatives of the deceased.

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