Top 10 best funeral insurance: comparison 2023!

Choosing a funeral insurance policy can be a real headache. Many organizations offer this type of product, and the market offers are multiple.

A top 10 of the best funeral insurance contracts seem to stand out, but it remains random given the number of criteria and parameters many to fill.

To find the contract that suits you, you will have to make several quotes. How to choose your funeral insurance policy? What is the difference between a capital funeral contract or a personalized services funeral contract? Let’s take stock.

Our ranking of the 10 best funeral insurance in 2023

We based our ranking on an individual contract taken out after 60 years with a capital funeral insurance of 4,000 euros. Our table shows the monthly amount based on insurance companies and based on a 15-year temporary contribution or a lifetime contribution. The waiting period is also indicated.

1 – Mutac

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: €29.63
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €22.97
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 1 year

2 – Groupama

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: €36.40
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €26.99
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 1 year

3 – Aviva

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: (on estimate)
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €27.32
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 2 years

4 – April

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: €41.52
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: 29 €
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 1 year

5 – Cegema

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: (on estimate)
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €33.32
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 1 year

6 – AG2R

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: (on estimate)
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €33.77
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 1 year

7 – Apivia

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: €45.20
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €35.92
  • Waiting period (death by illness): 6 months

8 – Plan

  • Monthly amount with contribution over 15 years: €48.97
  • Monthly amount with lifetime contribution: €35.92
  • Waiting period (death by illness): (not disclosed)

The other 2 insurers that complete our ranking are Santiane and Metlife. The monthly rate of their funeral insurance product is from 30 € for a contract with lifetime contributions or temporary contributions. To know in more detail the offers of these insurance companies, according to your selection criteria, do not hesitate to use online comparators. Free and fast, they will send you all the quotes in a few minutes according to your requirements.

How to choose the best funeral insurance contract?

The subscription to a funeral insurance contract allows you to define and organize, upstream, all the steps concerning your funeral. With the constitution of a capital and / or the choice of personalized services, you save your loved ones a morally and financially difficult moment. Given the many contracts offered on the market, the selection is sometimes complicated. Among the criteria you need to analyze, we have identified:

  • the contribution tariff;
  • the type of contribution: temporary, lifetime or single payment;
  • the type of contract: capital and/or personalized services;
  • disclaimers of warranties;
  • possible changes during the course of the contract;
  • the waiting period;
  • the cost of management fees;
  • termination conditions;
  • the capital buy-back clause…

Many organizations offer this type of insurance product: banks, mutuals or insurers. Funeral companies also manage funeral insurance contracts in benefits for everything related to the organization.

What are the differences between a capital funeral insurance contract and a benefits funeral insurance contract?

To determine what is the best funeral insurance contract, you need to determine what type of policy you want. 2 choices are available to you:

  1. The funeral insurance contract in capital.
  2. The funeral insurance contract in personalized services.

With a capital funeral insurance policy, the subscriber leaves his relatives a capital. The amount varies from €1,000 to €10,000 depending on your wishes and companies. It is intended to cover all funeral expenses upon the death of the subscriber. The capital is paid to a beneficiary designated by the insured. Since 2013, he has been required to use this money for funerals and keeps the surplus.

A funeral insurance contract in personalized services supports the organization and financing of the funeral of the subscriber according to his wishes: coffin, transport, ceremony … The contract uses jointly an insurer (for the capital) and a funeral company (for the organization).

Types of funeral insurance contributions

You have determined the type of contract, it is also necessary to set the terms of payment of contributions. 3 types of payment are possible. They are chosen according to the age, the contribution period and the financial capacity of the insured.

  • The one-off contribution (payment of the capital in one go) concerns subscribers before retirement. The younger the insured, the smaller the payment: pay attention to the capital revaluation clause provided for in the contract.
  • The temporary contribution is recommended for insured persons aged 40 to 60. It is monthly, quarterly or annual with a variable duration of 10 to 15 years.
  • The lifetime contribution concerns insured persons aged 70 and over. Payment of contributions ends upon the death of the subscriber. The later the age of death, the more the payment of contributions exceeds, at a loss, the subscribed capital.

The waiting period of a funeral insurance

Another important point to check when choosing the best funeral insurance contract is the waiting period. It varies from a few months to 1 year and more depending on the organism. The waiting period applies mainly for a death by illness and rarely for a death by accident.

A classification in insurance matters is made arbitrarily and in absolute terms does not exist. A contract on the first step of the podium may suit an insured when he will not necessarily be the best for another profile. Our advice is to solicit a maximum of quotes according to criteria that you will have previously listed. The funeral insurance contract is not mandatory so you can take your time to choose it serenely. Do not hesitate to help yourself with an online comparator. A selection of the best offers on the market is proposed in a few minutes and according to your needs: capital, type of services, rate and duration of contributions, waiting period, management fees…

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