Where to become a lawyer

Legal professions are characterized by precision, scrupulousness and a large amount of knowledge. It can be difficult to learn the laws and successfully apply them in your practice, however, many young people dream of becoming a lawyer and working in their specialty in a large firm or law office.

Where can you study to be a lawyer?

To work in the legal field, a higher education is required, and in some specialties a mandatory license is also required. We are talking, for example, about the profession of a lawyer, which can only be entered after passing a separate exam at the Bar Association.

5 most prestigious law universities in Russia:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  • St. Petersburg State University
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
  • Ural State Law Academy.
  • Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Also, to study the laws and their features, work in the specialty for 1-2 years is required.

Studying to become a lawyer is also possible after 9th grade in college.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the following specialties:

  • 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security.
  • 02/40/02 Law enforcement.
  • 40.02.03 Law and judicial administration.

The vast majority of future lawyers enter university in one of the following specialties:

  • 40.03.01 Jurisprudence.
  • 40.05.01 Legal support of national security.
  • 05/40/02 Law enforcement.
  • 05/40/03 Forensic examination.
  • 05/40/04 Judicial and prosecutorial activities.

When entering the Faculty of Law, an applicant can choose a career as a judge, prosecutor, lawyer, etc.

What subjects should I take to become a lawyer?

The list of required exams for admission to the Faculty of Law may vary depending on the university. Some exams are mandatory. The rest are rented according to profile.

Mandatory exams include Russian language and social studies, and specialized exams include history or a foreign language. The applicant must also know mathematics at a basic level.

Some universities accept two mandatory exams, for example, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Kikotya.

Universities may also require a sufficient number of points in the following disciplines:

  • Physical training.
  • Computer science.

Upon admission, an additional admissions test (ADT) may be assigned.

Cost of training to become a lawyer in 2023.

Every year more than half a million applicants enter law faculties in Russia. Therefore, universities know in advance that they will be able to gather a sufficient number of students to continue their educational activities.

As a result, a situation has arisen that only the country’s leading law universities can allocate a sufficient number of budget places.

The less popular the university, the lower its rating, the less chance a future student has of getting into the budget. On the other hand, popular universities have higher requirements for applicants.

When entering a university, you need to take into account that the cost of training must be fixed in advance, so changing it is unacceptable. Some universities indicate the cost for each year of study, usually the last courses are cheaper.

The highest prices for legal education are set in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Also, high costs are noted in the cities of Siberia. The farther the university is from Moscow, the lower the tuition fee. The south and southeast of the country have the most affordable prices for educational services.

Average prices for training a lawyer in Moscow for 2019:

  • Higher School of Economics – 430 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow State University – 415 thousand rubles.
  • Moscow State Law Academy named after. Kutafina – up to 360 thousand rubles.

More affordable tuition prices for 2019 can be found at the following universities:

  • Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (Kazan) – from 45 thousand rubles.
  • Branches of RANEPA (Khabarovsk, Barnaul) – from 66 thousand to 89 thousand rubles.
  • Volgograd Humanitarian Institute – 45 thousand rubles.

Non-state universities offer more favorable study conditions.

If an applicant wants to study at a more reputable university, then he can take distance learning to become a lawyer. For many universities, this practice has become permanent.

Among them are the following educational institutions:

  • International Academy of Business and Management.
  • Moscow University named after S. Yu. Witte.
  • Omsk Law Academy.
  • Moscow International University.
  • Moscow Socio-Economic Institute, etc.

Retraining courses for lawyers

If a person has a higher education diploma, but wants to engage in legal practice, he can undergo professional retraining.

Professional retraining of lawyers is possible in full-time, part-time and distance learning, carried out on the basis of higher education or secondary vocational education. (according to Article 76 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

With the help of retraining, you can master an additional legal specialty, relying on the knowledge you have already acquired.

TOP 6 courses for lawyers with a diploma: selection of the best, 2023

ANO DPO “National Institute of Innovative Education”. Course “Jurisprudence”

Cost: 9900 rubles

Document: diploma of professional retraining

Duration: 288 academic hours

Description: A distance retraining course for lawyers on the basis of another higher education, which presents the main aspects of work and branches of law. The curriculum is developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Higher Academy of Further Education (VADO). Training in the specialty “Lawyer”

Cost: 9400 rubles

Document: diploma of professional retraining

Duration: 520–1100 academic hours

Description: The retraining program involves mastering the legal profession in 3-6 months on the basis of another higher or secondary vocational education. The basis of the methodological material is lectures, theoretical and video materials, lessons with a teacher.

International University of Professional Retraining. Course “Jurisprudence”

Cost: 9,700 rubles

Document: diploma of professional retraining

Duration: 520-1100 hours (3-6 months)

Description: A distance course (on the job) allows you to master the legal profession in a short time. A diploma of professional retraining is issued on the basis of another higher or secondary specialized education. In addition to the main program, materials for in-depth study on land, family and labor law are also available.

Moscow Business Academy. Course “Banking Lawyer”

Cost: 3200 rubles per month

Document: Certificate

Duration: 5 months

Description: Specialization that will be useful to heads of structural divisions of banks, as well as employees and the head of the legal department of a financial organization. The advantages of the course are that all the main areas of work are covered in a concise form: banking law and taxation, antimonopoly regulation, legal support for credit and financial activities, and others. 

How to become a lawyer o your own?

It is impossible to study to become a lawyer on your own: in all areas of activity, be it corporate jurisprudence, municipal service, law enforcement agencies, or the legal profession, you will need a specialist diploma with the appropriate qualifications. Some areas will also require additional exams and licensure. However, you can retrain to become a lawyer through professional retraining courses.

How to become a good lawyer?

In jurisprudence, in addition to knowledge of legal norms, laws and regulations, training is also needed in other areas, such as marketing, psychology, and economics. Perhaps the most important point in the work of a lawyer is constant real practice, that is, working with clients, real interesting cases that help improve knowledge and apply it more competently. The psycho-emotional component is also important: a good lawyer is always restrained, controls himself, and learns to control emotions.

What subjects do you need to become a lawyer?

Admission to college to major in law occurs after 9th grade based on the results of the OGE “Russian language” and “mathematics”. You can enter a law school after 11th grade based on the results of the compulsory Unified State Exam and additional subjects. Most often these are “Social Studies” and “History”, however, the university may provide additional entrance tests or other subjects.

Is it possible to become a lawyer without a legal education?

Any lawyers have not only a diploma, but also specializations in various branches of law, so it is impossible to become a lawyer without education and practice. Moreover, law school graduates, before becoming lawyers, must work as assistants for at least 5 years before being allowed to take the qualifying examination at the Bar. Only after receiving a license does a lawyer have the right to conduct criminal and civil cases in courts.

Do lawyers need advanced training courses?

Advanced training is necessary for lawyers to expand their scope of competence or deepen their knowledge in any narrow topic, however, they are not mandatory. However, there are legal sectors where advanced training is a prerequisite: judges, lawyers, prosecutors, officials (civil servants)

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